Did you know we can measure the ‘quality’ of your tears?

Apr 07, 2017

At Advanced Eye Care Center, we pride ourselves on using the best technology to help patients.  TearLab helps us to measure the quality of your tears.  A TearLab test takes less than one minute, is painless and non-invasive.  A small sample of tears is collected from the patient with a handheld device and is measured by the… Read More » The post Did you know we can measure the ‘quality’ of your tears? appeared first on Advanced Eye Care Center.

At Advanced Eye Care Center, we pride ourselves on using the best technology to help patients.  TearLab helps us to measure the quality of your tears.  A TearLab test takes less than one minute, is painless and non-invasive.  A small sample of tears is collected from the patient with a handheld device and is measured by the instrument.

Essentially this device measures how many particles float around in your tears.  For patients with evaporative dry eye, tears evaporate too quickly, leaving particles behind.  This type of patient would likely have an abnormally high TearLab reading, allowing us to better understand how to help treat the patient’s dry eyes.

We use TearLab technology along with several other dry eye tests to formulate a specific treatment plan tailored to each patient. No two cases of Dry Eye Disease are exactly the same.  If you are struggling with grittiness, stinging, burning, tired, or watery eyes-you may have dry eye! We understand dry eye.  We can help!

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