Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is among the leading causes of low vision for Americans over 60. Having low vision means even with aid, people find everyday tasks like reading the mail, shopping, cooking, seeing the TV, and writing challenging. But help is available! Our low vision services help you make the most of what remains. Enjoy friends, family, and hobbies again! The key is taking action early.

What is Macular Degeneration?

The macula is a small area in the eye responsible for most of our central vision. When degeneration occurs, it becomes difficult to see the fine detail we rely on.  The cause of this condition is not understood, and no treatment that has been uniformly effective. While this disease does't usually cause total blindness, it is the leading cause of severe visual impairment.

Symptoms to Watch For

  • Blurry vision at distance or near
  • Objects look different sizes in one eye compared to the other
  • Distortion: straight lines appear crooked or bent
  • Dark gray or blank area in the center of vision
  • Disparity of color in one eye compared to the other

Risk Factors

  • Older than 50 years
  • Positive family history of AMD
  • Smoking cigarettes

Types of Macular Degeneration

Age-related Macular Degeneration

There are many types of macular degeneration, but the most commonly seen conditions are those associated with the aging process, and referred to as age-related macular degeneration (AMD). 

Dry Macular Degeneration

Occurs when deposits (yellow or white pieces of fatty protein) form under the retina. Over time the retina thins and doesn’t function properly. Most cases of AMD are of the dry form. Patients who have been diagnosed with dry AMD need to carefully monitor their vision for changes using an Amsler grid daily; changes may an indication that the dry form has progressed to the more severe exudative type.

Wet Macular Degeneration

Results when abnormal blood vessels grow underneath the retina from a layer of the retina known as the choroid. This new growth is referred to as choroidal neovascularization (CNV). These vessels can leak fluid or blood, and interfere with the central vision. This type of AMD can happen quickly, and cause more significant loss of vision than the dry form. Early diagnosis and treatment improves the chance of preserving vision; the longer these vessels leak or grow, the higher the risk of visual loss. If this occurs in one eye, it increases the risk of occurrence in the fellow eye. Close monitoring of your vision with the Amsler grid is very important to the over-all management of this condition. Any changes you see should be reported to our office immediately.

Amsler Grid

Check to see if you have any symptoms of Macular Degeneration using this Amsler Grid. Use your reading glasses, and move 14-15 inches (normal reading distance) away from the grid with good lighting.
  1. Cover one eye at a time
  2. Keeping your eye focused on the center dot, without looking away from it, note whether you see any wavy or distorted areas, or if there are any missing parts.
  3. Check the other eye
If you notice changes in the grid pattern, you should call us immediately.
Amsler Grid | Advanced Eye Care Mansfield, Ohio

Treatment Options

A large scientific study indicates people at risk for vision loss may benefit from nutritional supplements. Our doctors may recommend specific types of supplements for you based on the findings of your eye exam. Vitamin supplements are not a cure for AMD, and they will not restore lost vision, but they can play a key role in the management of the disease.

In more advanced cases, you may be asked to see a retina specialist for further evaluation and treatment. These additional treatments may include:
  • Drugs to inhibit abnormal blood vessel growth
  • Laser surgery
  • Photodynamic therapy (PDT)

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