Are your eyes as dry as a desert?

Dec 06, 2019

Colder temperatures usually means dry eyes for many of our patients. Cold weather often arrives with lower humidity, causing our eyes to dry out more quickly. Additionally, car defrosters and furnaces circulate very dry air making dry eye worse.

Artificial tears, like Soothe XP are available over-the-counter for patients. Refresh Relieva and Systane Complete are also good brands to try. These tears offer temporary relief and are typically dosed 2-4x per day. Additionally, Fish Oil capsules and warm compresses can help keep our eyes comfortable.

If these over-the-counter measures still do not provide enough relief, Dr. Ballitch and Dr. Finn can assist patients. Dry eye often takes years to develop and may take months to treat. Call us to get started today at 419-521-3937!

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