Getting to know anti-glare lenses

Nov 30, 2020
Glare is a common workplace problem in the office and at-home. Glare during computer work causes eyestrain, headache, and fatigue. Smart phones also strain our eyes.  Glare can also make driving at night more of a hazard thanks to oncoming headlights. Thankfully, anti-glare coating can help cut through the glare, allowing for comfortable, clear vision. 

Anti-glare technology helps to reduce eyestrain and allows for increased comfort while working on a computer or smart phone.   Anti-glare coatings also decreases glare coming off the front surface of lenses, aiding eye contact with others, so they can see your eyes vs glare from the lighting in ones environment. With zoom calls and video conferences not going anywhere for the foreseeable future, this benefit cannot be understated.  Blue-light blocking coatings are especially effective for patients who spend multiple hours in front of a computer.  These coatings are applied to the lens while it's being manufactured.  Advanced Eye Care Center uses a local lab who use the highest quality coatings available.  

Give your eyes a break while you work hard; consider anti-glare and blue-blocking technology on your next set of glasses!  Do not forget about HSA/vision insurance benefits before the end of the year. With anti-glare and blue-light blocking technology, you'll clearly see the difference!
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