Bifocals can be your PAL

Jul 21, 2016

Bifocals help patients over 40 years old read with clarity and comfort. Around this age, our eyes gradually lose the ability to focus on near vision tasks such as reading or using a computer. Traditionally, bifocals and trifocals had distinct lines across the lenses. These work well for many people, but what if a bifocal option was available without this line across the lens? So no one could tell you had a bifocal. . .

No-line bifocals and trifocals are known as Progression Addition Lenses (PALs). The way these lenses are constructed, the distance vision portion is contained in the top half of the lens. As one moves their eyes down in the lens, they begin to enter into the near portion of the lens. The further one moves their eyes down, near power increases, allowing patients to read things closer, and closer to them.

While these lenses take a few days to two weeks to get used to, many patients are deeply satisfied with this style of bifocal. If you are looking for an aesthetically-superior option for your reading needs, ask about no-line or PAL lenses.

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