Solutions to Dry Eye In Mansfield, Ohio

Apr 26, 2019

Treating Dry Eye with LipiFlow®

Dry eye is a common ailment that occurs when the eye doesn’t provide the necessary moisture. This results in eye discomfort, sensitivity to light, headaches, disorientation and transient blurry vision. Having dry eyes can make everyday activities difficult, or even impossible.

Dry eye syndrome is often found in those who have recently had LASIK surgery, and is also developed as people age. The most common treatment for dry eye syndrome is eye drops. These drops are self-administered and can be applied daily, or before specific tasks as needed.

Advanced Eye Care Center is the only clinic in Mansfield to offer LipiFlow®, a new and improved way to treat patients with dry eye syndrome.

How Does LipiFlow® Work?

Instead of using artificial tears in the form of eye drops, LipiFlow® gently massages the tear glands of the eye. This opens and clears the glands allowing tears to be formed naturally. The treatment is non-invasive, and only takes a few minutes to complete. Most patients report an immediate improvement in the following days, and 79% report an improvement within 4 weeks of the procedure. Watch the following video to learn more:

Advanced Eye Care Center is dedicated to serving the families of Mansfield, Ohio and the surrounding area. We strive to provide the most advanced technology with quality customer service, resulting in exceptional customer experience.

It’s time to take care of your dry eye once and for all. Stop using daily drops that can be messy and time consuming, and learn to live again without dry eye!

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