Go with the Flow: LipiFlow

Mar 14, 2024

LipiFlow can alleviate dry eye symptoms

Dryness...grittiness...tearing...fluctuating vision...burning sensations...

Do your eyes have any of these symptoms?  If so, we can help! LipiFlow is a gentle in-office procedure that unclogs oil glands on the edge of our eyelids. For the majority of patients with dry eye, oil gland clogging and atrophy leads to dryness.

 Dryness occurs because our tears evaporate rapidly without proper oil production. This technology uses soothing heat and pressure to melt then extract existing, clogged, thick oil. After the gland congestion is cleared, the oil glands can then produce new healthy, thin oil. This new oil minimizes tear evaporation and maximizes comfort. The procedure takes about 15 minutes and vision is not affected.

If you are struggling with dry eye syndrome, please call us, we'd love to help! Our phone number is 419-521-3937

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