Do your eyes tear up?

Aug 28, 2019
Do Your Eyes Tear Up? Mansfield Ohio | Advanced Eye Care

Excessive tearing often annoys patients and can interrupt normal daily activities. Sometimes we know why our eyes are tearing up. . .chopping onions, getting something in our eye, or when we become emotional. Other causes are less obvious, but thankfully treatable.

Dry eye and allergies are the two most common causes of tearing we see in clinic. Tearing from dry eye occurs when corneal nerves are not adequately bathed in tears. When this happens, a message is sent to the brain which then causes the lacrimal gland in our upper eyelid to release tears to combat dryness. Usually this gland releases tears in excess, causing patients to periodically wipe their eyes.

For allergies, our eyes tear up in an attempt to flush out allergens, ie: pollen/dust/dander, that irritate our eyes. Typically itch is associated with allergies, and less often with dry eye.

A less common but frequently annoying issue may involve eyelid and eye lash positioning. If our eyelids and lashes turn inward, eyelashes rub up against the eye leading to tearing and feeling like something is stuck in the eye. If the eyelid rolls outwards excessively, our tears can't drain away as effectively and spill down our check. Think of a gutter that is pulled away from a house. . .it cannot function properly.

Do Your Eyes Tear Up? Mansfield, Ohio | Advanced Eye Care

At Advanced Eye Care Center, Dr. Ballitch and Dr. Finn help patient overcome their excessive tearing on a daily basis. Let us help you; please call 419-521-3937 to setup an appointment today!

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