No line, no problem!

Sep 11, 2019

No-line bifocals offer patients flexibility and comfort

No line, No Problem! Mansfield Ohio | Advanced Eye Care

Once in our early 40s, we gradually begin to lose the ability to see up close. This means that tasks such as reading, using our smartphone, or computer can strain our eyes. Some folks will try to hold objects further away to see them, but patients will eventually require additional help.

Traditional bifocals (lined bifocals) only work at a single point for our near work. This means while reading a book may be comfortable, typically computer work is too blurry. With a lined bifocal, patients have to lean in to clearly see the computer and becomes a hassle for full workdays.

No-line (progressive bifocals) allow for both clear reading and computer vision. No-line bifocals gradually increase in magnification as patients look downwards in the lens. Additionally, most patients prefer how they look wearing a no-line bifocal vs. traditional lined bifocals.

Our opticians can help walk you through the process of your first no-line bifocal. Most patients adapt to this lens setup in 1-2 weeks. Stop by today with your prescription or schedule an eye exam today!

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