September is Healthy Aging Month

Sep 16, 2019
September is Healthy Aging Month | Mansfield, Ohio | Advanced Eye Care

Did you know September is Healthy Aging month?

For our eyes, there are four main conditions that can affect our sight as we get older.

1) Cataracts Cataracts occur gradually over time. Cataracts are a yellowing or clouding of our naturally clear lens. When cataracts are mild, no treatment is typically indicated. As the lens gets foggier with time, cataract surgery is required to restore sight. Dr. Ballitch has performed thousands of cataract surgeries and the surgery itself has become one of the most commonly performed operations every year.

2) Glaucoma Glaucoma occurs when the optic nerve (the nerve that connects our eye to our brain) degenerates over time. Usually, elevated eye pressure is to blame for this type of change. Early detection of glaucoma is crucial; damage from glaucoma is permanent. Glaucoma is known as the silent thief of sight. Annual eye exams are recommended to screen for this condition.

3) Macular degeneration Macular degeneration has two forms, dry and wet. Dry macular degeneration is typically less severe and in some cases, patients may not know they have it. Wet macular degeneration refers to bleeding in the back of the eye, and is more damaging than its dry counterpart. Again, early detection with annual eye exams can help catch this condition and allow for better management to preserve vision.

4) Diabetes Diabetes affects the entire body from the eyes to the toes. In our eyes, diabetes can cause blood vessels to leak. In mild cases, patients may not notice much change in vision. In more severe cases, patients are left with poor vision. Regular eye exams can help us communicate with your primary care providers and help provide a complete picture of how you are doing with your diabetes.

Every complete dilated exam Dr. Ballitch and Dr. Finn look for these four conditions, along with many others. Annual eye exams are important for maintaining your best quality vision and promote the highest quality of life. Call us today to make an appointment; your eyes matter!

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