LipiFlow, a novel treatment for Dry Eye Syndrome

Jan 27, 2020

Do your eyes feel dry, gritty, scratchy, or water excessively?

Does your vision fluctuate from clear to blurry when you're reading?

If so, you may have dry eye syndrome. Most patients suffering with dry eye syndrome have clogged oil glands along the edge of their eyelids. This oil is so important because it slows the evaporation of our tears. Irritation occurs when our eyes dry out. We know that risk factors for dry eye include multiple hours per day of screen time, age over 40, and being female. Also, common medications like anti-histamines and anti-depressants make dry eye worse.

Advanced Eye Care Center offers a comprehensive oil gland treatment that helps patients resume producing natural oil in their tears. LipiFlow only takes 12 minutes and is completed in-office. After a gentle numbing drop, LipiFlow is inserted around the patients eyelids. Heat and pressure is then applied. Patients have said this feels "like a spa day for their eyes." We have been treating patients with LipiFlow for over 5 years and patients typically notice improvement in 1-2 months.

Call 419-521-3937 to setup a dry eye evaluation; let's see if LipiFlow can help you!

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