National Glaucoma Awareness Month

Jan 14, 2020

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the United States, yet has no symptoms in early and even moderate stages. Glaucoma affects between 2-3 million Americans each year. Risk factors for glaucoma include family history of the disease, African American race, age over 60, vascular conditions, and prolonged steroid usage. As glaucoma progresses, patients may notice peripheral vision loss and sadly blindness if the condition reaches its end stage.

For those 50 and older, we recommend yearly dilated eye examinations to detect glaucoma at its earliest stages. Detection, evaluation and treatment are vital for preventing blindness and preserving vision. To get started, please give us a call at 419-521-3937 to setup an appointment.

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