What's a Stye?

Jul 10, 2020
Have you ever had a red, tender bump on your eyelid? Did it seem to have a white top, or look like a pimple? If so, you may have had a stye!

Also known as a hordeolum, a stye occurs when oil glands along our eyelids get clogged, then become infected. Usually staphylococcus bacteria are to blame. The bacteria replicate within the oil gland. This increases pressure in the gland causing pain, redness, and occasionally white discharge. If treated early, warm compresses help to unclog the gland, and the lesion resolves in a few days. If the stye persists, additional treatment is needed. Oral antibiotics can treat the infection, though, resolution of the lesion may take weeks. If the lesion still is bothersome, Dr. Ballitch may opt for an injection or minor surgical intervention for treatment.

Lid hygiene can help to minimize the chances of getting a stye in the future. Cliradex lid products help to reduce the bacterial load on our eyelids. Lid wipes can also help.

If you have a pesky stye, please call today! Please call (419) 515-3854
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