What to expect for a Comprehensive Eye Examination

Feb 20, 2021
Vision and eye health are crucial parts of daily living. Eye examinations by Dr. Ballitch and Dr. Finn help patients maximize their vision and maintain healthy eyesight for a lifetime. If you're a patient here already, you've been through the exam process. For those new to the office, here's what to expect.

After checking in with reception, the patient is called back. Patients discuss any difficulties they are experiencing. This could range from blurry vision and dry eye, to being concerned with the risk of a hereditary eye condition.  Vision is measured along with pre-testing. A refraction is usually next and this helps our doctors determine what power is needed for glasses and/or contact lenses. 

 Intraocular pressures are measured next. The best part: there is no startling puff of air! We primarily use a "blue light test" which accurately and comfortably assesses eye pressure with a gentle numbing drop.

Dilation is the next step. Two drops are instilled on each eye in order for your pupils to dilate. Dilation lasts about four hours and temporarily causes blurry vision, which is why we recommend patients bring a driver. Dilation allows Dr. Ballitch and Dr. Finn great views into the back of the eye to examine the vitreous gel, optic nerve, and retina. Conditions we commonly observe and check for include floaters, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and hypertension among others.  A picture or scan of the eye is sometimes taken if an area of concern is noted.

That's the process! Patients then check out and some book their next appointment.  Patients are then welcome pick out new glasses too.

To get started, please call 419-521-3937; you'll clearly see the difference!

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