Can you get a Cold in the Eye?

Oct 07, 2022

Cold and flu season is around the corner-can you get them in your eyes?

Unfortunately cold and flu season is nearly here. At Advanced Eye Care Center, we see an increase in 'red eye' appointments. Getting an eye infection is easy; patients rub their eyes after coughing into their hands. We touch out face so often throughout the day, without a second thought. Viruses spread quickly and easily.  Common symptoms of an eye infections include redness, irritation, discharge, tearing, blurry vision, and tenderness. Common cold eye infections require around 5-7 days to improve, in general. Some eye infections may not cause lasting harm, but certain infections can cause permanent changes to our eyes or vision.

Call us if you think you have an infection, we can help! Our phone number is 419-521-3937.

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