Fall means Dry Eye Season

Sep 26, 2022

Fall brings in cool dry air, which can make our eyes irritated.

Fall has arrived. We enjoy watching the leaves change color, breaking out comfortable sweaters, and tuning into college football. One not-so-nice change is cooler, drier air which can cause our patients with dry eyes to struggle. Cooler and drier air increases the rate that our tears evaporate. Windy conditions and time spent outdoors especially accelerate this effect. Classic dry eye symptoms include grittiness, visual fluctuation with blinking, excessive tearing, and redness.

What can you do to prepare for Dry Eye season?

Conservative measures can be a good first step. Artificial tears such as Refresh Relieva and Systane Complete are good starting points. These over-the-counter drops are typically used between 2-4x per day. These drops hydrate our ocular surface and temporarily relieve symptoms. Contact lens wearers may try Refresh Relieva for Contacts, also over-the-counter. Applying heat with a warm compresses can also be beneficial. A soft microwavable heating pad works best; once heated to a very warm but tolerable temperature, it can be applied to closed eyelids for 10 minutes. Usually patients do this twice daily. 

These measures can be helpful but often patients need more help. Advanced Eye Care Center offers specialized dry eye evaluations aided by LipiView. LipiView is a unique technology that analyzes tear film quality, blink rate, as well as oil gland health. We believe in customized dry eye treatment plans specific to each patient. Additional treatment may include prescription-strength dry eye drops, LipiFlow, punctal plugs, oral medication, etc. Let us help you get through Dry Eye season. Dr. Ballitch and Dr. Finn can help your eyes feel their best! To get started, please call us at 419-521-3937.

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