Cosmetic contact lenses: scarier than Halloween

Oct 02, 2019

Halloween is fast approaching! We'd like to quickly review the hazards of non-prescription colored or costume contact lenses.

Non-prescription costume contact lenses can be ordered online or occasionally found in Halloween-themed stores. Customers may think theses lenses are harmless since they are available over-the-counter. Unfortunately, these lenses often do not have to meet quality assurance measures.

Some lenses are stored in solutions that excessively irritate the eye or will tightly adhere to the front surface of the cornea, making removal of these lenses difficult. The primary risk of these contact lenses is ulceration and infection of the cornea. These are painful and in severe cases can cause blindness! Non-prescription contact lenses are dangerous.

Here's a sad example of two cases of costume contact lens infections:

If you wear costume contact lenses and experience pain or blurry vision, call our number without delay: 419-521-3937. It may be tempting to wear these lenses, but don't try it!

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