Don't Fall into Prime Time Allergy Season

Oct 14, 2019

With cooler temperatures finally here, north-central Ohio feels like fall. Fall is full of great things like football, colorful leaves, and pumpkin spice lattes. Fall can also wreck havoc on people struggling with allergies.

For our eyes, allergies can be caused by both outdoor allergens like pollen and ragweed or indoor sources like dust and pet dander. Itching, tearing, redness, and scratchiness are all common signs of eye allergies.

For mild cases, over-the-counter drops can help. Artificial tears can rinse away allergens, but anti-histamines provide further relief. Alaway or Zaditor are two great over-the-counter anti-histamines.

For more advanced cases, prescription medications are needed. Stronger anti-allergy drops or steroid eye drops can help those struggling mightily through allergy season. Advanced Eye Care Center can help you get the relief you need for allergy season; call 419-521-3937 to get started today.

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